Gambling Stories
The Grandma who beat the odds

New Jersey native and grandmother, Patricia Demauro made gambling headlines when she beat the odds at the craps tables at Atlantic City's Hotel, Casino and spa when she rolled the dice a massive 154 times without rolling a 7 in a lucky streak that has gone down in not only craps and casino history but has also broken world records for the longest craps roll (she played for a total of 4 hours and 18 minutes) and the most successive dice rolls in the game of craps without "Sevening out".
The odds of accomplishing this amazing feat are approximately 1 in 1.56 trillion. What she earned during her streak remains a strictly guarded secret as she declined to reveal the details, but gambling experts predict that by making good bets her winnings would amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars, but if she was an expert and made perfect bets, her winnings could have amounted to millions.
Patricia enjoy the rest of the week in Atlantic City and even appeared at the craps tables for another two nights, but this time only as a spectator. Now that is self-control!