Gambling Stories
The 8 year old who won $500,000 dollars playing online poker
In 2010 eight year old Aashish Nanak from Chandigrah, India made headlines across the web when he reportedly won $500,000 after playing in an online poker tournament.
According to the relatives, Aashish is a computer genius who had been introduced to a computer at the tender age of three, began building web pages at the age of four and by the age of six started playing poker online. He allegedly participated in online poker tournaments using his uncle's player account and was doing so when he won the half a million dollars.
The poker room involved reportedly refused to pay out the tournament winnings due to Aashish being under the legal age to participate in online poker tournaments. The Nanak family has disputed the claims, saying that the poker room was aware of the real age of the boy and that employees of even referred to him as "the little poker wizard". They further argue that Aashish had won and received payouts of smaller sums from the same poker room via the PayPal account that his uncle had opened for him.
After his massive win the poker room, which has remained anonymous, blocked his player account and became embroiled in a legal battle in the New Delhi courts. While the outcome of the legal proceeding has not been reported, the story is an amazing one nonetheless.